It seems that everyone is doing a blog now, so I thought it was time I jumped onto the bandwagon.
A little about me, I have three beautiful boys, Kieran is 10, Owen is 7 and Aiden is 6 months. I am so lucky that I get to stay home with them but just in case I start to get bored, I am starting a photography business, Luscombe Photography. Hopefully the website will be up and running soon so stay tuned!
Here are a few pictures from Aiden's 6 month photo shoot

Yea, Jenn! I'm excited for you as you start your business adventure! I love the pictures of Aiden & can't wait to see more on your blog site. Miss you!!
Love ya, CongaWongabaJonga
oh, aiden's little bum is super sweet.
and - there it is again, jenn [last image]: his eyes - they're absolutely YOURS!
I'm proud of you -
Go get 'em, Jenn.
I'd love to help when I can - if only from a LONG ways away.
Jenn, The website looks great! I can't wait to hear about all the photos you'll be taking, because you've got a wonderful gift for anticipating a terrific shot! I'm looking forward to having you as my family's photographer for years to come! Congratulations on your business launch!
Love always,
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